Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick? Or Treat?

Happy Halloween!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oh no!

Monday, October 28, 2013

me and my fuzzy

Ghosts of Halloween Past

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grand Bargain

Friday, October 25, 2013

Come on in!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Red Momma Now and Then


Red Momma (RM) is such a beautiful squirrel. 
September 2013

October 2013


I found this picture of RM in an old camera that I was using last January.

February 2013

Interesting to see how she looked then compared to how she looks now. Some of you may recall that she went through some rough times last February when she was thrown out of her nest by the bully ET, on one of the coldest days of the year. She was expecting babies at the time. Unlike ET, RM is not the least bit confrontational, and will walk away in the face of a head-on with another squirrel. So ET took over the tree that had belonged to RM. We watched as she tried to get back up to her drey and was continually chased away by ET.

She finally gave up. and the next morning Bernie caught her and brought her home, where he took care of her and brought her back to health. She actually had her babies there, but refused to nurse them in captivity. So Bernie ended up being the nursemaid! He tried to get RM to take an interest in the babies but she would not, and they were scared too, and hid from her.

Here are some pics of the two surviving babies. Sadly, one eventually died, but the last one was released to PCV last summer.

RM recovered during her "spa" stay -- she ate well, was brought  to the vet. When she was released back to PCV in late summer, she was a healthy, beautiful squirrel.

Nice shrub

Friday, October 18, 2013

It's Squirrel Awareness Month!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sweater Days

Gorgeous weather - some like it hot some like it cold, some like it just the way it is on an October afternoon like this -- perfect (except for the foul stench of fertilizer that still wafts through PCV's air).

You in your autumn sweaters...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Playing with Red Momma

Red Momma and I have some fun by the fountain.

grabbing a drink at the fountain

yes, there's water in there.
playing a game of hide and seek
come out come out wherever you are!
posing for the camera

she's nicely relaxed now

give us a smile, please!

RM has moved out of her tree, which makes us think her babies may have died. But it sure looks like she's still nursing.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Presidents Cup Squirrel Steals Show

courtesy of espn
Sammy Squirrel gets more attention in this video than Tiger Woods, as he sets an historic Presidents Club record!

Watch the video:

Cute, huh? I've noticed that squirrels seem to enjoy watching sports. I've often observed that when people are playing ball on the green at PCV there is at least one squirrel in attendance, watching the game with curiosity. What squirrels do not like is loud noise. When workers are around making noise with their equipment it drives the squirrels up a tree.