Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Mean Season

Christmas has long since come and gone,  taking the Christmas spirit with it, and leaving  in its place a mean spirit that's hard to fathom. Some residents have been really snarky and snarly recently. Why?  Could  coronavirus fears  be somehow to blame? After a long respite, the guards have been harassing me more intensively than ever. I had to remind one to keep his distance. But while some of the residents have been downright nasty, others still say things like "God bless you!" and "Thank you for what you're doing." I guess a lot of them wouldn't dare do it. One woman even wanted to shake my hand, but I refused, referring to the need for social distancing. But I thanked her for the kind thought.
Squirrels on Lockdown?

As I walked around I saw very few squirrels, when I expected them to be out enjoying the nice weather. Where were they? They all seem to be practicing social distancing.

But I'm happy to report that Lady Black and Lady Gray were both there and doing fine.

Lady Black

Lady Gray

And to my absolute delight, I ran into the black and white beauty pictured above for the first time since last May when the no-feeding rules went into effect. I was so happy to see that squirrel pop up alive and well, out of nowhere!  How do I know it's the same squirrel? This little bunny is one-of-a-kind! And someone somewhere has been caring for it.


Wishing you all the best on this Easter Eve, and may good spirits prevail!

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