Smells Like Squirrel Spirit
On November 6, I attended the latest
exhibition, opening and performance
which coincided with the inaugural reception
of the new
of the new
Lombard-Freid Projects space
at 518 West 19th street
at 518 West 19th street
When I first arived I could see it was going to be a nutty scene, but I soon realized that it was also a tour de force.
There were ancillary themes of knights, narcissism and old New York, but the main focus of the show was squirrels - essence of squirrel - eau de squirrel - raised to the level of art.
Whence came this inspiration? From what I heard, William Kofmehl, the artist, met Bernie Goetz in a park one spring day, played with the squirrels and then just got it -- he flipped for squirrels.
The centerpiece was this giant wooden squirrel sculpture, which people milled around and were able to walk through, which served as a trojan horse for the artist who lurked inside, emerging only at the end of the show, to say goodnight!
He was actually not lurking, as you could hear his voice coming from the squirrel eye microphones throughout the evening!
And not to worry, with a little help from his friends, arias were being sung and great passages from literature being recited alongside his own contributions.
And then there was Bernie Goetz with his pet squirrel in tow, who would help to make the evening complete.
Golden Squirrels
And the piece de resistance -- in lieu of his physical presence, a bronze of the artist sitting on a park bench surrounded by squirrels.
check the red ponytail.
how about a corn cob tail!
Watching Bernie and the artist play with squirrels on video. Here's one of the videos.
Bernie and his squirrel meet and greet.
Man puts hand in carrier to feel squirrel.
But is there an actual squirrel in there?

Yep, there is!
Viewing the fascinating canvases embroidered by women of Costa Rica, where the artist lives for part of the year. The canvases, many of which feature squirrels, are for sale.
The exhibit is a triumphal recognition of squirrels and we are indebted to the artist for taking time to focus his genius on our furry friends and shine his brilliant beam of light on them.
This man caught the Squirrel Spirit!!!
The exhibit can be viewed until Dec. 21 at:
Lombard-Freid Projects
518 West 19th Street.
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